Charlie was born and raised here from Smokey and Willow. She has a muscular blocky build and absolutely loves retrieving and is full of personality. She weighs 65 pounds. She is clear of all genetic diseases through Embark/ through parentage and is OFA Good Hips and Normal Elbows.
Maggie was born and raised here from Smokey and Costa who is now retired. She is a sweet and playful girl and loves being right beside you and getting all the belly rubs. She weighs 70 pounds and has a tall athletic build. She is clear by parentage for all genetic diseases through PPG and is OFA Good Hips and Normal Elbows.
River is sweet mannered and playful and has a blocky but athletic build to her. She weighs 75 pounds and is clear of all genetic diseases and OFA prelims Good Hips and Normal Elbows.
Rumor will be bred starting spring 2025. Rumor is a littermate to our stud Scout and amazingly accomplished receiving her UKC HRCH title before turning 18 months old also. She has a go getter drive, but so incredibly sweet and loving. Just like Scout, she lives to retrieve and swim. She is a petite but athletic girl like her dam, Quebec a
Rumor will be bred starting spring 2025. Rumor is a littermate to our stud Scout and amazingly accomplished receiving her UKC HRCH title before turning 18 months old also. She has a go getter drive, but so incredibly sweet and loving. Just like Scout, she lives to retrieve and swim. She is a petite but athletic girl like her dam, Quebec and weighs 60 pounds and carries all colors. She is clear of all genetic diseases by parentage and OFA prelims completed.
Chilly lives up to her name, she is very easy going, such a sweet mannered girl who wants to be right by your side. She weighs 60 pounds, is petite but solid with a blocky build. She has OB and conformation titles in her pedigree and has produced service dogs as well as good hunting prospects. She is clear of all genetic diseases, OFA good hips, elbows, cardiac and patellar normal.
Gypsy is playful, sweet and is full of personality. She is 75 pounds and has an athletic American build. She is from an AKC Junior Hunter titled dam and her AKC Junior Hunter titled sire's pedigree is stacked full of AKC Master and Senior Hunter titles. She has been tested and is clear of all genetic diseases through Embark, OFA Good Hips and Normal Elbows.